Sunday, September 4, 2011

Lynn - It's Good To Be Here

Okay bear with me. I'm a posting virgin!

This morning I woke up around 7:30, wrote in my journal (2 pages every morning of me ranting) and headed to Griffith Park to hike with my friend Anna and fellow "Actors Diet" blogger Christy!

After the hike I made breakfast.

Typical bowl of oatmeal -

  • 1/2 cup oats
  • 1 cup water
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 apple
  • 2 tablespoons egg whites

  • flax seed
  • cinammon

And for sweetness, a spoonful of apple butter:

Enjoyed while watching "The Food Network"

After every meal, even breakfast, I need to have something to suck on. Get your minds out of the gutter.

This is my new favorite candy. Yes, candy after breakfast. I have found that sucking on something sweet after meals prevents me from bingeing, lets my mind and stomach get on the same page.

With a cup of decaf green tea:

I took my morning supplements, too. They include a multivitamin, and whenever I don't have something green at a meal I like to take 2 of these:

They seem to make it so that I'm not ravenously hungry 2 hours after breakfast.

Onto lunch:

This was 1/2 a can of sardines (a great sustainable protein source and low in mercury) with some curry powder, mustard, 1/4 avocado, and lettuce on multigrain bread.

I have my first audition in a loooong time tomorrow so I planned on memorizing lines while I ate.

But then I got distracted by "The Cosby Show" -

I love how they answer the phone "Huxtable Residence!"

Another thing I often enjoy after a sandwich is a nice cup of soup:

I like to nuke it in a coffee cup with 1/2 a crumbled Weetabix.

Sounds weird, but as it says on the box:

I find it gives the soup a nice creamy texture:

After lunch I usually take a calcium supplement. Of course, I like mine in candy form.

Since I had sardines, which are packed with calcium, I only took half the recommended serving (usually 2 bears) along with some green pills - since there was only a little bit of lettuce on the sandwich.

Some more candy:

It says "Way Sour" but it wasn't really.

After lunch I took my dog Julius for a walk with my friend Katie and her adorable 3-week old daughter, read a film script for a table read I'm doing tomorrow night. Then my hubby Abe finally came home from work and we had dinner, which was some leftovers:

This is a vegan Tofu "Meatloaf" adapted from a recipe from The Grit cookbook. "The Grit" is a vegetarian restaurant in Athens, GA that Abe had gone to on a business trip. He's a vegetarian, so he was really happy to get this cookbook as a birthday gift this year.

Alongside I made a salad with some oranges and sweet potatoes, tossed with a dressing of OJ, lemon juice, dijon mustard, olive oil, and salt and pepper:

Delicious last night, and delicious tonight.

I had another calcium gummy and a ginger chew candy, then sunk my teeth into this guy:

I like my pears very firm. Abe thinks I'm crazy.

Well...that took a very long time! Hopefully I'll get better at this posting thing. Thanks for reading!

Now I'm off to run lines for tomorrow morning's audition!